
The creator of this website was born at a very early age in Saint Louis, Missouri.  When he was one year old his parents moved to the city of Affton where he attended public school.  Upon graduation from high school he attended Saint Louis  Community College and Southern Illinois University where he earned a B.A. degree in physiology.  He then entered Washington University School of Dental Medicine in Saint Louis, graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine degree, and thereafter practiced as a licensed, trusted, and respected doctor of dentistry in Missouri for the next forty-one years until his retirement.

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While still in the eighth grade and at the age of thirteen Dr. Monrotus became interested in organ playing.   His earliest lessons in organ playing were with Robert Thompson, Gregory Cohn, Henri DeKiersgieter, and Dr. Mario Salvador.  During his teen years he was heavily influenced by his friendship with and the world class playing of theatre organist Don Baker (who by the way was brilliant on Wurlitzer pipes and during the years he was touring with the Conn company could make the Conn vacuum tube analog theatre organ sound like a million dollars).  In later years there were lessons with John Weissrock at the Church of the Gesu in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and who was a legend in the Milwaukee area.  A great deal of the mentoring received at these lessons has been encapsulated in the blog postings archived on this site.

Dr. Monrotus is an ordained non-denominational minister of education licensed to perform the rites of the Christian faith under the ecclesiastical authority of the National Association of Christian Ministers (NACM).  The four corners of his outreach ministry involve this platform, the YouTube videos he's recorded, the six major collections of organ compositions he's written, and his personal testimony.  His service with organ playing in worship and related ceremonies has taken him to or through thirty-five States and two Canadian provinces to perform at over forty separate venues.
